
The Harley Street ‘One Stop Clinic’ that
Women have been waiting for…

The Harley Street ‘One Stop Clinic’ that Women have been waiting for…

When you think Harley Street, you think ‘plastic surgery’, ‘breast augmentation’, ‘ridiculously expensive care treatment plans’ and whilst most of this is predominantly the truth, there are also hidden gems such as the stunningly new renovated London Poly Clinic & Womens One World service and Womens one world Charity. Working in collaboration with each other, the clinic and charity at No.1 Harley Street will be providing medical, aesthetic, holistic, therapy & care. They also aim to support the NHS with their backlog of patients and also providing benefit of free medical innovate procedures in their charity.
The brainchild behind the Clinic and Charity Dr Prema Lall, a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynocologist and Sub-specialist in Fetal – Medicine and High-Risk Maternity, has forever been exceptionally passionate about the well-being of women in general, adopting a life-long dream to provide the same care and support for both privileged and under-privileged women, without determining their status. Her passion has driven her to create a world of wellbeing for the women . She is patient and quality focussed and believes in involving the patient in their care to build a beautiful connection of Trust with Team.
The Clinic will focus on providing extensive Consultant-led care and support for women from privileged backgrounds, while the charity will focus on recognising and providing the same Consultant-led care for women from underprivileged backgrounds, habitually centred around specific ethnicity groups. And alongside her team of experts, she will highlight the unspoken issues around mental health, within the Asian/ Arabic community.
The clinic will support women with infertility treatment, high-risk pregnancy, counselling, 3D/4D scans, pre-invasive blood testing, pre & post pregnancy therapy, menopause, physiotherapy, aesthetics and so much more. K-laser therapy will be will be utilised for pain management and sports injury.
Prema has a vision for her five pillars of holistic approach which she will like to infuse with the current medical treatment. Born and bred in India, she has a strong inclination towards holistic and ayurveda and aims to help women long term using revolutionary natural treatment.
Launching in 4 weeks at The House of Lords with Lord Rami Ranger as the Guest of Honour and the High Commissioners of India & Bangla Desh as special guests , graced by several MPs , Politicians, Specialist NHS Consultants & GPs , Private Practitioners the Expert team at London Poly Clinic and Womens One World & WOW Charity are eagerly waiting to get this beautifully crystal decorated clinic, kick-started in the iconic Harley street of London which is renowned in the world for the Elite Medical practice .

Nominated as Finalist
For “ Change Maker Award “
By “ Celebrating You “

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-07 at 10.14.54