3D & 4D ultrasound

What does the scan tell you?

Ultrasound scan are painless ways to show a detailed image of the baby inside the womb. It shows the position of the baby and the placenta (organ that carries blood supply from you to the baby). During the scan, any abnormalities of the baby can be detected. The scan is also used to estimate when your baby is due (estimated date of delivery or EDD). This also ensures that your baby is growing normally or detect any problems with the growth. Some gel is placed on your tummy, then the probe is passed over the gel and onto your skin. A black and white picture of the baby is then displayed on the screen, technology displays a 3 and 4 D image of the baby. The 3D,4D and HD live are very safe for your baby does not affect your baby adversely. The whole process takes 32 minutes and has no side effects towards the baby

Peep into your baby's magical world on this video.

3D ultrasound is a still image of the baby. 4D ultrasound displays moving image of the baby. HD live with — latest scanning machine (voluson switch). Those offer a period of view of you baby very close to viewing a live baby.

Our 3D scans enable you to see your growing baby before that all- important day. Keep the moment treasured forever with our detailed 3D colour photos and capture your baby’s movements on DVD. Peep into your baby’s magical world on this video. Our 4D scan enables you to see your growing baby before that all- important day. Keep the moment treasured forever with our detailed 3D colour photos and capture your baby’s movements on DVD.

If you’re looking to confirm pregnancy as soon as possible, our early pregnancy is available from just 5 weeks. Recommended if there has been bleeding, pain a history of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, IVF treatment or history of long-term medical conditions.

Find out how far along you are with our pregnancy dating scan. By measuring from the first day of your last period, we can determine the fetal gestation age in weeks

Our non-invasive prenatal testing analyses the cell-free DNA from the baby that circulates in the mother’s blood. This is an advanced option in screening for down’s syndrome, Edwards syndrome and patau syndrome.

An NT scan is recommended to assess your baby’s risk of having down’s syndrome. The test results have a 90-95% accuracy rate and can help you decide whether to have further diagnostic test.

If you need some reassurance during your pregnancy, this scan can put you mind at ease. Recommended for those who have experienced pain, bleeding or felt minimal baby movements.


Are you having a baby girl or a baby boy? Find out with our fender scan. The scan is 90% accurate and includes a wellbeing assessment alongside gestation age confirmation.